2726 MISSION RANCHERIA ROAD | LAKEPORT | CALIFORNIA 95453 Tel: (707) 263-3924 | Fax: (707) 264-6613
Economic Development
Economic Development
The Big Valley Band of Pomo Indians Economic Development Department's purpose is to identify and develop various economic opportunities. Currently, the Economic Development Department is focused on significant development of capital leading to job creation, stable and thriving local Rancheria commerce, developing meaningful partnerships with private and public entities with the like goals, and expanding into new and emerging markets that will lead to profits to support the Tribe and Tribal Community.
In late 2015, the Big Valley Band of Pomo Indians received two grants from the Bureau of Indian Affairs that have helped guide the development of a Tribal Utility Authority on the Rancheria. The Tribal Utility Authority is in the infancy stage but will be expanding in the future to encompass: green energy: (solar and biomass energy) and broadband services.
Cannabis Ordinances
Tribal Cannabis Ordinance
Wholesale Cannabis Tax Ordinance

Plans are underway to develop the site south of the new housing development into a commercial center which potentially includes: Convenience store, Gas Station, Laundry Mat, Coffee Shop and Car Wash ​(Download PDF)
The Big Valley Band of Pomo Indians Economic Development Department is currently developing a CEDS and Master Plan which will be available for tribal membership review in the upcoming months. The plan will help to guide economic development efforts of the Tribe.
Elizabeth Lincoln, Economic Development Director