2726 MISSION RANCHERIA ROAD | LAKEPORT | CALIFORNIA 95453 Tel: (707) 263-3924 | Fax: (707) 264-6613
Housing Department
Homeowner Assistance Fund (HAF)
Tribal Rental Housing
CBDO Meetings
Meetings are held the second Wednesday of each month.
Important Information
It is the intent of the BVR Housing to provide safe, decent, and sanitary housing to Tribal Members and their families. The goals of the Big Valley Rancheria Housing Commission are best accomplished by enacting policies and procedures that will govern the actions of the Big Valley Rancheria Housing Commission and its Leasees.
The Housing Department is governed by a Community Based Development Organization (CBDO) and is organized and operated for the purposes of insuring the:
Remedying unsafe and unsanitary housing conditions that are injurious to the public health, safety, and morals;
Alleviating the acute shortage of decent, safe and sanitary dwellings for persons of low income; and,
Providing employment opportunities through the construction, reconstruction, improvement, extension, alteration or repair, and operation of low-income dwellings.
It is the policy of the Big Valley Rancheria to provide safe, decent, and sanitary housing to Tribal Members and their families. The goals of the Big Valley Rancheria Housing Commission are best accomplished by enacting policies and procedures that will govern the actions of the Big Valley Rancheria Housing Commission and its Lessees.
Big Valley Rancheria Indian Housing Plan 2024
Rental rehabilitation on eligible rental units. Repair and modernize tribal member households to avoid deterioration of housing quality.
Provide Tenant management services including rental accounts receivable, collections, housing unit inspections, general maintenance and tenant support. Provide staff support according to ordinances on rental collections, inspections, general maintenance and tenant support.
Provide rental security deposit assistance for eligible tribal members. Provide security deposit assistance up to a maximum of $3,500 that will be refunded back to the Housing Program upon vacating renal unit premises.
Provide security services, including lighting improvements along pedestrian routes, designate new pedestrian routes; fencing and security gates, surveillance cameras, and create a Neighborhood Watch program. Provide contracted services, staff support, equipment, materials, meetings and workshops.
Lighting on pedestrian routes
Fencing and security gates
Surveillance cameras
Neighborhood watch
Provide staff programming for positive youth activities to develop self-esteem, mutual respect, healthy lifestyle and choices to impact truancy, crimes and reduction in drug and alcohol use among teens and young adults in the tribal community. Provide positive activities, outreach and counseling designed to learn new coping mechanisms and alternatives to errant behavior within the tribal community.
Provide youth activities
Outreach and counselling
Perform rehabilitation and/or demolition of substandard housing to improve living conditions. Rehabilitation of substandard housing units to provide improvement in safety, sanitation, water and power delivery. Demolition of substandard units if unable to rehabilitate to a standard living condition.
Rehabilitation of substandard housing
a. Safety
b. Sanitation
c. Water delivery
d. Power delivery
​​​​CBDO Members
Housing Commissioners:
Alida Johnson, Chair
Doyle Fred, Vice-Chair
Julie Plevney, Secretary
Appointed BC Member
Ben Ray, Tribal Administrator
Housing Staff
Vacant, Housing Director (707)263-3924 x111
Gina Gomez
Housing Programs Coordinator (707)263-3924 ext. 114
Virginia Ballente
Projects coordinator (707)263-3924 ext. 117
Ramona McCloud
Resident Services Specialist (707)263-3924 x124
Bob Ponce, Maintenance
Trenton Newton, Maintenance
Gerardo Godinez, Maintenance
Carlos Gallegos-Lopez, Maintenance